Saturday, March 3, 2007

Response to a recent YTF entry

In response to the following entries on the 'YTF' board .

I would like to comment on mention of me on the YTF board.

"XX (General Facial Surgery)posted by lissa, -- Saturday, 3/3/2007, 08:38 AMi found webblog where MsJ saud that YTF was bought out by Vertrue and is being sued for fraud. I don't understand, I have never been pushed to buy anything from this board. I have only gained valuable info, which i am truly grayeful for"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"It is apparent this person has an axe to grind with YTF, simply put because she was asked not to stay on here as long as she was taking money from posters for her morphs.Vertrue is the parent company - however, My Choice Medical is the name of the subsidiary that has bought out these forums. These forums were bought from Marianne last July.Marianne has stayed on as a liason to make the transition easier for everyone involved. She is currently out of the country right now. Because this person has fixated on issues that she has taken information and transformed it into "her reality" about My Choice Medical. I don't want to take up anymore of the board space about this issue, however, I did want to make it perfectly clear that My Choice Medical has never been sued for anything.I am glad you find the forums valuable. If you have any other questions please email me - ...."Thanks.BaileyForum Administrator

With regard to being 'pushed' to buy anything on the boards, I'm not sure how that relates to any statements I made on my blog.

Vertrue is the parent company of Mychoicemedical which bought out the YTF boards. Vertrue is a holding company for many other companies. It is the parent company that is being sued by the Attorney General in Iowa for consumer fraud.

The subsidiary, MyChoiceMedical, is the one associated with banners on the site for financing and manages the doctors that are listed on the 'find a doc' section of the 'YTF' site. Before the take over, doctors who had listings on the site also had their NAMES listed. Some of them were great docs. After the take over the 'doc population' as far as the listings went were changed. Presently only the docs participating with the financing and under management of MCM are on the 'find a doc' section but their NAMES are withheld from the listings.

With regard to accepting payment for morphs and analysis-- or rather the pejorative spin of phraseology used by the moderator ; "taking money from posters for morphs"--, it is true that I don't do private plastic surgery consulting work that includes morphs for gratis. When it comes to people seeking me out PRIVATELY for PRIVATE PS consulting (which includes, morphing, facial analysis, in depth explanations as to their aesthetic situation and also doctor referrals) in which a lot of time and focus is spent on one specific individual, I need to 'draw the line' with regard to what is gratis and what is not.
I am always happy to provide helpful public commentary as to help the most but if an individual seeks me out privately for in depth analytical PS consulting, I need to request compensation for that.
Later on, the company did write to me to tell me they looked into what I did and thought it was a good service and gave me an OK to go back and also suggested I list on one of their ad sites. I declined. I miss most of the YTF posters and enjoyed being on there but would not go back with the mod Bailey being on there. Perhaps when they change moderators and she no longer is with them, I shall consider their offer.