The following is an example of a post they deleted which is in favor of patients financing THEMSELVES. Again the entity owning YTF has financial interests in financing. Said entity is NOT associated with "".
Here is the post deleted:
"You should be able to FINANCE YOURSELF as to AVOID seeking out a financing company.Plastic surgery is a financial commitment that should be saved up for ahead of time. With good time and financial planning, you can save up for it yourself by doing without things. For example, if you absolutely don't 'need' that new designer dress, than do without it and put the money you would have spent for it in a separate account earmarked for PS. Same with other goods and services. Take a close look at anything you spend disposable income on and consider that income 'disposed' of when you squander it on something you really don't 'need'.
You don't have to be 'rich' to afford PS. You need to be a savvy 'saver' who plans years ahead for the expenditure by setting aside resources for it at a later time. There are many ways and opportunities for someone to save maybe $5,000 a year by NOT buying other goods marketed to you. Do that for 4 years before you really 'need' any PS and 4 years later, you have the funds to do it. Do an accounting of all the things you buy that you could do without. For example, many women have literally thousands of dollars of squandered cash buying into many of the 'hope in a jar' cosmetic cremes that do nothing. In fact the more you spend on products that 'avoid plastic surgery', the more you will find that they have not avoided it at all and the less money you will have for the real thing.
Many of the BEST "top docs" for PS, do not finance plastic surgery. This is because it IS a financial commitment. They don't want to see you going into debt borrowing money you don't have. You should be able to pay for your procedures IN FULL before having them. It demonstrates that you are committed to it.
Although some let you pay via credit card, which is fine, AVOID being taken in by "financing companies" effectively selling you 'mortgages' on PS procedures. Many of those financing companies stir you in the direction of ONLY the doctors that 'buy into' their program. Believe my a good 'top doc' DOES NOT NEED to buy into such a financing program. A top doc CAN get paid up front before the surgery and by the patient. It is mostly the lesser docs who have no reputations who 'need' to take part in these financing programs. Consider that when you seek out a financing company. They will refer you to one of their docs who 'pays into' their financing program. Just don't count on it being a 'top doc' with a stellar reputation as those of the types who DON'T NEED to buy into financing programs.
Consider that UNLESS the financing company is going to allow you to CHARGE BACK if your procedure does not come out well, it would behoove you not to use one. Keep in mind that when you purchase something with a credit card, you may CHARGE BACK for non-rendered services and faulty goods. There is no need to finance this way, UNLESS they also offer you the option of charging back IF your procedure does not come out well. They are NOT going to do that.
If your procedure goes wrong or comes out bad it will be LESS BAD if you have already paid for it than if you are still paying for it. Believe me, you would be paying more in the long run to finance it over time than you paid for it all in one lump sum from SAVED cash. Likewise, if your procedure comes out good, there is nothing better than the sense of 'relief' that it is ALREADY PAYED FOR.
Hence, consider PS a financial commitment and commit yourself NOW to saving up for it for the future. Otherwise, if you finance, you would be LIMITING YOUR OPTIONS to docs who take part in these programs and hence possibly limiting your ACCESS to 'top docs'. The BEST docs don't NEED to take part in these kind of financing programs offered by plastic surgery financing companies.
Quite frankly, I would consider it a STIGMA to find my doc 'depended' on some of these financing companies to cull patients. But that's just me because many of the "top docs" I admire are not involved with them. Savvy patients seeking out the services of 'top docs' FINANCE THEMSELVES as to open their options. Passive patients not knowing much about 'whos who' in PS will have their options closed by limiting them only to docs who take part in these financing services."